Tuesday, September 3, 2013

List of problem in accounting software

Every business whether big, medium or small needs accounting software to store its business records –without it, there are some problems that business owners will need to look into. Although it may be very useful to a business, dissatisfied users who face technical problems with their accounting software can also cause them to lose interest towards the accounting service that they are currently using.

Problems by non-users
Outdated management accounts
A company that does not have accounting software will have problems in having updated management accounts. It is difficult for business owners to monitor the health of their businesses. Hence, they won’t be able to meet their business goals.

Unused business reports
Businesses that do not have accounting software tend to have sales forecast and cash flow predictions that are compiled in files gathering dust. All their efforts will come to waste if the business information is not regularly used. Businesses need to use this information regularly to compare it to what is actually happening. (Profit vs. loss)

Lack of information on profit origin
Having to know that a business is making profit is not enough. Business owners need to know which of their products or services that are making or not making any profit. Without accounting software, it is tough for a business to keep an eye on every cent it spends on.

No information security
Traditional method has lack of security as it is much easier for anyone to have access to a company’s accounting details. Accounting software on the other hand will require a login name and password. Furthermore, companies can assign roles to employees and define exactly where they can go and what they are allowed to do on the system.

Decision making challenges
Companies with no accounting software face tough times in making decision, especially before pursuing new projects. This is because they do not have enough information on their current finance position.

Uncertainty on business financial condition
Many business owners are unsure about the financial condition of their own businesses. As traditional method requires a lot of time to generate full reports of a business’s performance, it is difficult for business owners to have a better picture of their own financial situation, which will lead to tough decision making.

Poor time & cost management
Companies that do not have accounting software spend too much time on data entry and the bigger the business it, the more manpower is needed. Therefore, business owners may need to spend more in recruiting more accountants, which is pretty expensive compared to the amount of work they can deliver within a specific time given.

Lack of accuracy
As traditional accounting uses humans to perform tasks, errors tend to happen. When errors occur, more time and cost will be consumed. Companies lose money whenever problems like these happen.

Records tracking problems
Without accounting software, companies cannot have organized information on their invoices, bank and PayPal transactions, VAT and many more. Their records tend to be messy and this is when problems will occur. Also, it is hard for them to track down the lists of their debtors (who owe them money and who need refund, etc)

No back-up in case of emergency
With accounting software, companies get to easily back-up their information with just a few simple clicks. Companies that do not have one on the other hand will need to keep extra files in case of any missing documents.

Lack of space for filing matter
Keeping too much information on multiple files of different business years make working space rather crowded and less organized. It would be so much better if all of these information can be stored in just one organized system that has unlimited storage capacity. Business owners who have small offices and also fewer employees will find this matter rather annoying.

Lack of work flexibility
As accounting software requires internet connection, login name and password, users can always manage their accounts from whichever location that has an internet connection, as long as they have the access to use the service –no more staying late in office. Should there are works that need to be completed quick, accountants will have to stay back to get them done. (Not convenient especially when Malaysia has too many public holidays)

Work inefficiency
Whenever a vendor or customer calls, business employees will need to find the necessary documents that will not only take their time, but their customers’ time. Apart from that, employees also need to waste time on printing, labeling, stamping and mailing. With accounting software, they can simply email their documents –that way they get to save time and get paid faster.

No audit trail
Business owners face problem in identifying the persons who made changes on records and when they are made (due to the role of multiple employees). Accounting software offer audit trail, a lengthy list chronicling any additions and changes made to the system, and who made them. This is a critical security feature.

Information are secured in different offices
There are times when employees had to run back and forth to other offices to get the information that they need to have. If they had accounting software, they have all details stored in one system.

Past due updates and tasks
Accountants at times tend to forget about certain tasks that need to be sorted out by a certain date, causing them to have past due invoices and payroll taxes, low inventory and many more. This will cause to unwanted delays. However, accounting software has the capability to remind them of all their financial matters.

Problems by current users
Lack of security
Software users are worried about the security of their data as they are accessible by foreign parties. Even though firewalls are believed to have the capability to solve this problem, but the firewall setup on a computer may get screwy at times; when this happens, there is nothing much they can do.

Weak reporting service
Some accounting software solutions are powerless in helping users who wish to get their business data out. Users are annoyed with the fact that it is easy to put data in yet impossible to get them out after –seems pointless if they do not support both ways. As for data transfer, some accounting software products do not allow data to be retrieved nor imported. 

Lack of efficiency
Business owners want to have things done quicker and less time consuming. Some accounting software products are not user-friendly and do not enable users to fully use their keyboard. Using the mouse can slow down a business progress. They are also lack of features, capabilities, expendabilities and compatibility

Outdated & lack of accuracy
Some accounting software systems are outdated. Therefore, details tend to be inaccurate, system slows down and system errors happen. Data corruption is a serious matter.

Not user-friendly & difficult to customize
Due to system restrictions, users cannot perform customization based on their preferences. Some systems are rather cluttered and difficult to understand. It will be tough for users to get rid of unnecessary columns and information on their own.

Lack of features and expensive
Some accounting software offer less features but at expensive prices. Customers will always have to get the upgrade versions in order to get the features they want, or switch to another provider.

No Bank Reconciliation feature
Accounting software such as ‘Wave Accounting’ for instance does not have bank reconciliation feature, which means it is unable to perform bank and credit card accounts reconciliation. This feature is highly essential as it helps businesses to track on errors such as missing transactions, duplicated transactions, wrong amounts and even typos.

Poor Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Users are stressed out by the lack of training and guidance in using the software, even when it comes to fixing the problems occurred. Extra training may also cost extra cost to the users. Users are always in search of high quality training. Some websites also do not provide their contact number –lack of trust amongst customers.

Software compatibility
Many users are frustrated because their accounting software is not compatible with their programs. For example, a customer may not be able to import some date into his program simply because the software does not allow this. Users cannot import or retrieve information from other programs because their accounting software does not have the capability to do so.

No 24/7 technical support
Customers had to wait until the next business day before they get to fix their accounting software problems. Most consultants are only available during business hours; unless they provide customers with a cell phone number which they can contact for after-hours contact.

Inconvenient technical supports via phone
The best support is always through a face-to-face session rather than just phone calls –that way, customers can get a better picture of what is happening and what to do if the problem occurs once again in the future. The ability for a support specialist to access customers’ data and remote in to their problems is much more effective and less stressful than simply trying to explain the solution via phone calls.

Poor speed of access
Since accounting software is accessed over the Internet, delays are likely to happen due to the distance to the data centre (location problem). Speed issue can also be determined by the speed of processors and servers used to run the online accounting software.

Companies having the above issues should look for proven accounting software in the market, QnE Software is one of the proven accounting software in Asia.  Please visit www.qne.com.my for more information.

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